Friday, November 4, 2011

The Hunger Games (was so damn good)

I don’t remember the last time a book had me turning the pages so unrelentingly fast.  The Hunger Games has owned my life for the past couple days, and I loved every second of it.
It was difficult to care about anything else besides what the next page had to say, and I found myself, even in the midst of other leisurely activities, drifting back to the land of Panem.
This is no stereotypical sci-fi romp.  This isn’t even a light, young adult fantasy story filled with magic and mystical creatures.
It is a cold, twisted tale that gets the heart pounding unlike anything I’ve read before.  It’s hard not to feel the emotions along with the narrator.  When she is thirsty, you are thirsty.  When she is afraid, you’re terrified with her.  And when the shock of several of the novel’s more unexpected surprises are revealed to her, your breath will catch in your throat.
You are essentially there, in the arena with Katniss, fighting to stay alive, fighting against twenty-three other kids who want, or rather, need to kill you in order to survive themselves.  All the feelings she has towards the others, be it a burning hatred or a confusing fondness, will be your own.
It may sound like I’m trying to sell this book or advertise for it or something, but really I just wanted to share my incredible experience so that maybe a few of you can have it too.
Now I’m on to the second one.  
So go read The Hunger Games, damnit! 

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