Friday, February 25, 2011

Super Hero

He runs faster than the speed of sound.  So fast that no one can see him.  He comes to a vast lake but does not break stride.  His steps create shallow ripples along the water’s surface but do not sink under.  He sprints fiercely all the way across, vaulting and flipping over several large boulders five times his size once he reaches land.  He touches down again, one knee on the ground and a great cloud of dust surrounding him.  In a split second he is off again.  A blur to the eyes of everyone else.
You’ve been drinking again
He reaches the city.  It is a city of evil.  He runs past a stand selling gadgets to villains.  His speed is so great and powerful that the stand is torn apart as he races past.  He can see the people around him staring with red, shining eyes, even though he has not slowed down.  His feet dig into the pavement and crack it with each step as he presses onward.
Tommy, go to your room, hurry
He comes to a giant stone wall.  Bracing himself for impact, he rams into it and bursts through the other side.  The wall has become gravel and he stands strong on the other side, ready for whatever danger he must face. 
Do you feel like a man        Go on, hit me again, big man
A massive, two headed dragon approaches him.  He does not flinch.  He draws his sword and prepares for battle.  The creature makes a strange gurgling sound and then a stream of flame erupts from one of its mouths.  He dodges the fire and rolls underneath the monster, slashing furiously at its legs.  It falls to the ground, snapping at him as he circles it.  Its spiked tail swings in wide arcs trying to hit him, but he leaps on top of it and runs up the dragon’s back.  Both heads swing back and stare at him with malice, preparing to spew flames.  At the last moment he slices and both heads fall to the ground, shaking the earth.
Tommy, go back to your room, everything’s fine, daddy and I are just talking
Not pausing, he continues onward.  The dragon was simply a guard for the castle.  Its walls are gigantic.  To anyone else they would be impenetrable, but he uses his laser vision and blasts a hole straight through.
We aren’t yelling, everything is fine, sweetie
Immediately an alarm goes off.  He runs into the great double doors of the castle.  Once inside, he draws his sword.  From the shadows comes an onslaught of ninjas, dressed in black and masked.  They slowly encircle him.  He looks around and sees another sword on the wall.  As one ninja lunges at him he leaps, flipping and twisting out of harm as they launch throwing stars in his direction.  He plucks the sword from the wall.  Now he is ready.
You see what you’re doing to him             You see the impression you’re making
He spins and slices and cuts and parries as wave after wave of ninjas assault him.  He is forced to retreat several times as he becomes overwhelmed, running up flight after flight of the castle.  The ninjas throw fire bombs at him and they explode just feet away, sending him flying into a wall.  But now the castle has been set on fire and is starting to come down around him.  He fends off several more ninjas as he makes his way to the rooftop. 
He needs a father, not some lazy drunk             Get out of here           Get out of here now        I’m calling the police
He runs to the edge and looks over.  The ground must be miles away.
Tommy where are you going       Come back honey
Suddenly he hears his name.  He turns around and sees the ninja leader.  He knows he is no match for this warrior.  He looks over the edge once more.  The ninja leader comes closer, drawing his sword. 
Tommy       Tommy where are you going
Turning towards the edge and the vast expanse of open air, he jumps.
Tommy please, I don’t have the patience for this
Good thing he can fly.

Slamming his door, Tommy takes his steps two at a time.  Tears streaming from his face, he heads for town.
People stare as he bolts down the street, but he doesn’t care.  The morning sky is gray from a night of rain.  He races through puddles, purposely seeking them out so he can stomp down and see the water splash around him.
A truck has lost some of its cargo; small boxes are scattered across a portion of the street.  He hops over them, trying to keep running.
He reaches a residential area.  The gate to a house says “beware of dog” but he unlatches it anyway.  In the backyard he sees a great black bulldog.  It is chained to a pole by the fence.  Tommy picks up a stick and swings it in from of him, pretending to fend off the beast even though it stays chained to the pole.  Tommy makes his way over to the back fence, still on his guard.  The dog pays him little attention as he scrambles over the fence.
He sees a construction zone; a building being erected.  All the workers are off to the side, distracted by something.  Tommy rushes up to the gate.  It’s unlocked.  He kicks it dramatically and it swings open slowly.  Some of the workers notice and run after him.
He runs up the steps to the building.  Picking up a metal rod on the floor he keeps going up, flight after flight, swinging his sword and his metal rod and making cutting noises with his mouth.  The workers run after him, but are far behind.
He reaches the roof top.  He runs to the edge and look over.  Several people are standing on the ground, looking up at him and yelling.
A worker joins him on the roof.
“Kid,” the man says, walking forward cautiously, a hand extended. “Kid, be careful, you don’t want to fall.  It’s a long way down.  Give me your hand and I’ll walk you back.”
Tommy looks behind him, at the people and the open air.
“Please, kid.  You could really hurt yourself.” The worker gets closer. 
Tommy steps up on the ledge, holding his stick and metal rod out in front of him.
“Just come with me.  I promise you won’t get in trouble, just take my hand.”
The worker lunges for Tommy as he steps off the ledge.   
I’ll just fly away

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