Friday, January 7, 2011

New Message

My phone was silent, and had been for the past hour.  I anticipated the buzzing, watched the area where the little light would become red and foretell of a new message.  It always lit up just a moment before the phone itself would quake and inform me of the message’s arrival by the appearance of a small envelope on the screen. 
I had seen that envelope so many times before; flipped open my phone and thought little of it as I read through the text.  I never waited for texts.  I never sat at my desk for hours pretending to be occupied with something on my computer while actually covering up the fact that I was waiting for a message, glancing at my phone every few seconds.  Maybe it vibrated and I didn’t hear it.  Maybe there was a message waiting for me already and I hadn’t noticed.  I should check and see if there’s anything…
Would she even know who I was?  Would she remember me?  I had sent a text hours ago, but there had been no response.  I couldn’t help it; I could focus on nothing else.  I pictured us walking along the lakeside, talking about nothing in particular, maybe even not speaking at all.  I would be fine with that.  All I wanted was to be beside her and be in her presence. 
My mind ventured into the darkest corners of Dreadful.  What if I never got to see her?  What if this was it and I was just kidding myself?  She could be somewhere else by now, somewhere completely different, and I would never get the chance to say the things I needed to or tell her how I felt… How much I loved her.  Maybe she would never know.   
I snapped back to the present and let my terrible thoughts drift away.  I looked down at my phone, unblinking in anticipation.  When would I hear from her?  What would she say?  Was I stupid to think she would say what I desperately wanted her to?  I would kill for a “Hey, come say hello :)” or even a simple request like “Bring flowers”.
I gripped the armrests of my chair and swiveled back and forth, clenching my jaw.  I knew I shouldn’t dwell on it, but right now it was the only thing that existed to me.  Concentrating on my phone, I tried to make it vibrate completely from will.  Text me, I thought.  Text me, please text me, just say something please.
I nearly fell out of my chair when my phone started buzzing.  I scrambled for it, dropping it on the floor and diving to retrieve it. 
It was a call.  It was her.
I flipped my phone open with a trembling thumb. 
“Hello?” My voice sounded dry and nervous.
“Hi,” She said.  She was calm.  I didn’t know whether this should help my nerves or make things worse.
“So?” I asked.  She knew what I meant.
“Everything’s fine.  It’s okay.” She said this in a deep, relieved sigh, and I could tell my sister was smiling from the tone of her words.
My stomach flipped. “Are you serious?” I said.
“Yes, they say she will make a full recovery.  The damage to her memory will only be temporary.  She recognized me just a little while after she was out of the E.R.”
“Can I come?”
“Of course.  Mom’s waiting.”

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